def get_entry(auth, user){|f| f.each_line{|line| line.chop! a_user,a_pass,a_time,a_chpass = line.split(":") return [a_user,a_pass,a_time,a_chpass] } } return nil end PAM.dispatch(:authenticate){|pamh, flags, args| authfile = args[0] user = pamh.get_item(PAM::PAM_USER) msg1 =, "user name: ") msg2 =, "password: ") msgs = [msg1, msg2] rs = pamh.conv(msgs) r_user = rs[0].resp r_pass = rs[1].resp if( user != r_user ) raise PAM::PAM_AUTH_ERR, "user(#{user}) is different from ruser(#{r_user})" end entry = get_entry(authfile, r_user) if( !entry ) raise PAM::PAM_USER_UNKNOWN, "can't find the entry for #{r_user}" end if( entry[1] != r_pass ) raise PAM::PAM_AUTH_ERR, "the password is not correct" end } PAM.dispatch(:acct_mgmt){|pamh, flags, args| t = authfile = args[0] user = pamh.get_item(PAM::PAM_USER) entry = get_entry(authfile, user) if( !entry ) raise PAM::PAM_USER_UNKNOWN end t1,t2 = entry[2].split("-") t1_hour = t1.to_i t2_hour = t2.to_i if( !(t1_hour < t.hour && t.hour < t2_hour) ) raise PAM::PERM_DENIED, "out of the time" end } PAM.dispatch(:open_session){|pamh, flags, args| } PAM.dispatch(:close_session){|pamh, flags, args| } PAM.dispatch(:chauthtok){ } PAM.dispatch(:setcred){ }